Thanks for writing in. I can appreciate how working divers want to know the nuts and bolts of how we actually work underwater. Today I have some time to answer, as the wind picked up overnight, and although 2 of us were in the water at 730 am, the conditions were still too bad for archaeological excavations. 50 cm visibility and a surge on the bottom. we secured the gear in place and returned to the ship.
The broad strokes of our excavation tools and methodology are covered on the Franck Goddio Website under the heading "System Approach and Technology" including descriptions for sume tools you are probably thinking of, such as the unromantic water dredge, as well as a lot of detail about that most difficult subject of all underwater work, Positioning.
What is not mentioned so much there is that every diver, after every dive, gives Franck a full reporting of everything done and seen during the dive, as well as observations and impressions, that can lead to a better overall understanding of work progress on the site.
I hope that provides some interesting reading, and if anyone has more questions about our work and life on board as the dive team of L'INSTITUT EUROPÉEN D'ARCHÉOLOGIE SOUS-MARINE, please send them my way.
All the best,
See Exposition Osiris in Zurich