But during my recent weeks at sea, while looking for ancient shipwrecks in the shadow of the space program, something jelled. All my liquid-y catch phrases and effervescent talking points reduced an off-gassed down to one single sentence au jus. Here is my gravy Statement:
Exploration isn't Out There...(points to world outside the window of comfortable place) "Its in Here. (points to head where brain is)
You can go to the wildest parts of the planet, but if your eyes aren't open, if you aren't sniffing at the air and listening acutely with equal parts curiosity, amazement, and fear, then you could easily miss out on the discovery that lays right in front of you.
And at the same time you could be right at home, surrounded by your community and peers who are stepping over another discovery and not seeing it because of complacency, and with your explorers mind switched on..., you know...Bingo!
Its not out there,...its in here (points to your head)