But only if you win the Design Competition!
The goals of the Floating Island Project is to build an island out of Bio-remediation matrix and sail it to an oceanic dead zone, like the one in the Gulf of Mexico, where it will serve as a floating research platform, able to suport ongoing projects with its own habititions, aqua-culture, and solar/wind power generation. it should even be able to support some agriculture, and a couple of Palm trees!
It will look like an Atoll, with a lagoon in the middle, where its support, resupply vessel can moor.
I hope that the habitiations will be designed by a competition directed by Architecture for Humanity.
Some of the research might be conducted by Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center.
I hope to do it all in conjunction with Myoo Create, The Art of Exploration, and WingsWorldQuest, too.
But first I need a model, and since this will be a project that will involve a lot of people, including students, I figured it would be fun to get people invloved from the bottom up, with a design competition!
Anybody interested please contact me directly, or go find out more detatils on the Discoverer Scientific Charters facebook page. Ill be posting a lot of info there.
Including a list of the exciting prizes that will go to the winner!
The deadline is January 28, 2012. I hope we get some exciting designs.
All the best,