First, the PLL Project won a NASA Group Achievement Award. I'm told this honor is rarely bestowed on small projects like ours, but its really exciting to know that the PLL Project is being noticed all the way to the top for its work in preparing for future space exploration. I am personally really honored and flattered to be part of this amazing team, (and to even be mentioned in the citation!)
And just as exciting, PLL Team Leader Nathalie Cabrol was selected by NASA for funding to help produce guiding principles to better understand where to search for life, what to search for, and how to recognize finding evidence of past or current life. The goal of the proposed research is to best prepare for NASA’s Mars 2020 rover.
I'm getting this news now while in the transit Lounge in Suvarnabhumi Airport, heading to Laos again What exciting news to hear before going off the grid! Congratulations Nathalie and all the PLL Team
All the best,